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Get involved!  Do you want to join in this commemoration of America’s 250th birthday and our state’s 150th anniversary?  If so, we want to hear from you.  Remember, when considering how you or your organization could participate, there are four themes that will guide us in selecting official events in the Mountains & Mesas Region of the Colorado 150 Commission. Does the event you wish to submit, reflect, and support the following mission?  Mission: The mission of America 250 - Colorado 150 is to celebrate the nation’s creation and Colorado statehood by acknowledging our shared history, honoring that which makes our state and region unique, and striving toward a shared future. We encourage event and project organizers to structure their efforts around three themes: Engage, Educate, Unite  Through people like you, the activities and projects the community submits and that we support and promote will reflect our three commemoration themes: Engage, Educate, and Unite.  We ask organizers to question their project on these themes.  Engage:  Is the submission constructed to engage as many people and backgrounds as possible? Educate:  Does the submission demonstrate the Power of Place, reflecting how Colorado's geography, history, and cultures have shaped today’s Colorado?     Unite:  Will the event or project unite our citizens and communities, bringing us together so that we discover common ground and understanding?

Download the Capture That Idea! Card here.

Download the Event Exploration Evaluation Form here.

We will reply with possible suggestions or comments.

badge of Colorado 150